Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Visible Vote - Gay & Lesbian Prez Debate

Logo - the TV channel for gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender peeps is hosting a debate for the democratic presidential candidates tonight. They were originally not going to invite Mike Gravel. True hypocrisy since he is one of 2 candidates who support gay marriage, the other being Dennis Kucinich. John Edward's wife Elizabeth is in support of gay marriage, but last I heard she wasn't running for president, although I think she's more popular than her husband.

The Republicans were offered a Logo debate but they all declined. I hadn't realized that not a single Republican is in support of repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military. I don't know why we can take high school drop-outs, ex-felons, and people who are out of shape in the military, but not gay people.

The debate will be online tonight at 9pm ET, in case you don't get Logo yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.